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  • A vital part of Traceable 3D

    Traceable 3D quality assures your project over time by establishing repeatable benchmarks that efficiently support data capturing and analysis of 3D point clouds in a traceable and reusable process.

  • The first 3D scanner to offer onboard automatic processing, Artec Leo is able to provide the most intuitive workflow, making 3D scanning as easy as taking a video. As you scan your object, see the 3D replica being built in real time on Leo’s touch panel screen. Rotate the 3D model, check if you have captured all areas, and fill in any parts you may have missed.
  • This structured light 3D scanner is the ideal choice for making a quick, textured and accurate 3D model of medium sized objects such as a human bust, an alloy wheel, or a motorcycle exhaust system. It scans quickly, capturing precise measurements in high resolution.

  • A new and enhanced precision instrument for CAD users and engineers, Artec Space Spider is a high-resolution 3D scanner based on blue light technology. It is perfect for capturing small objects or intricate details of large industrial objects in high resolution, with steadfast accuracy and brilliant color.

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