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  • 自iSTAR全景相机推出以来,业内好评如潮,但随着行业需要,拍摄全景照片、为三维激光点云赋色、车载、无人机挂载、红外拍摄等功能已不能满足工作人员的需求。为此,iSTAR最新推出两个强大功能模块。[]
  • 第二届广州国际3D打印技术产业展览会将于2015年4月15-18日在 广州琶洲国际采购中心 隆重举办!展会由广州市经济贸易委员会 、广州市荔湾区人民政府指导,广州市3D打印技术产业联盟、广州3D打印展组委会主办,得到美国、德国、比利时、韩国、新加波、港台、中国大陆等诸多友好行业协会、媒体的积极协助,多方倾尽全力打造3D行业盛会。[]
  • Industry background and demand overview

    The management of scientific research and protect cultural relics, for people to realize their own history and creative power, reveal the objective law of the human social development, and promote the development of contemporary and future society, has important significance. Conservation management and scientific research of cultural relics are interrelated, mutually reinforcing and complementary, and it is a systematic and comprehensive science.

  • Industry background and demand overview

    China has a long history of five thousand years, ancient architecture as a manifestation of the historical and cultural heritage to date. As a historical and cultural heritage, the protection and repair of ancient buildings is particularly important. How to accurately and quickly restore the original drawings of ancient architecture, in which way to protect the ancient architecture of the current status of the archive. Is the focus of the work of protection.
