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  • This structured light 3D scanner is the ideal choice for making a quick, textured and accurate 3D model of medium sized objects such as a human bust, an alloy wheel, or a motorcycle exhaust system. It scans quickly, capturing precise measurements in high resolution.

  • 三维激光扫描是近几年来刚刚发展起来的一种新技术,通过该技术获取目标对象的高密度、有精确三维坐标的三维激光数据称之为点云。点云数据可以广泛应用在整个城市规划工作过程中,因为对于规划工作来说,在精确地三维数字境中进行分析比依靠二维地图信息要高效得多...[]
  • Transform your 3D scanner with industry-acclaimed software for professional 3D scanning and data processing. Easy 3D scanning. High-precision results.[]
  • After 19 years of development, CHINTERGEO China Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Technology Equipment Exhibition has become an important platform for the exchange of surveying and mapping geographic information technology equipment in China and the Asia-Pacific region. It is also the only international company that has been awarded the UFI certification by the Global Exhibition Industry Association. Exhibition.

    CHINTERGEO2019 focuses on the high-tech equipment of the surveying and mapping geographic information industry with the theme of “Zhizhan’s current new road”. The total exhibition area has reached 22,000 square meters, more than 300 exhibiting companies, and more than 10,000 professional visitors.

  • 重要更新: 1. VR
    2.拼接 - Focus和Freestyle
    ▪ 查找标记(Marker) | 拼接报告 | 改进云际拼接
  • 经过成功的研发与测试,GEOSLAM 手持式三维激光扫描仪ZEB-REVO-Real Time(以下简称RT)终于在德国柏林INTERGEO展会(国际大地测量学和地球信息技术展)上正式推出。[]
  • SCENE软件为FARO激光扫描仪专门设计。通过使用自动对象识别以及扫描项目配准和定位功能,SCENE软件能够轻松且高效地处理和管理扫描后的数据。SCENE软件提供全彩图像,还可以进行无靶标自动扫描定位,并能够快速而有效地生成高质量的数据。

