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  • 欧诺嘉科技作为中国三维扫描技术的行业领先者,本次在展会上推出最新FARO地面三维激光扫描仪、SAT车载移动扫描系统、Motoar sky四旋翼无人机系统,以实现三维扫描数据一体化整合...[]
  • 在与全球众多的三维激光硬件、软件、服务企业发展中,欧诺嘉独树一帜,受到世界的关注。国际权威测绘杂志GIM是
  •  古建筑延续了历史文脉,是人类文明的载体。随着社会经济的发展,古建筑的价值逐渐受到人们的高度重视,对于古建筑必须采取积极地手段、先进的技术进行保护和利用。传统的古建测绘方法是以直尺和角尺、垂球等工具直接量取建筑物及其构件的尺寸而获取的最终资料是图纸以及一些文字记录...[]
  • 此次竞赛中我公司提交的多项成果具有明显的技术优势。FARO Photon 120三维激光扫描仪,无论从速度以及扫描区域上来讲,都有着非常不错的表现,垂直320度 、水平360度能胜任一些现场比较局促的环境条件;每100多万的点获取速度,无疑是工作效率的最好保障;采用同轴影像采集为点云真实赋色无偏离...[]
  • 2010年九月下旬,欧诺嘉科技有限公司邀请KUBIT公司Klaus Kaiser博士,在北京进行了KUBIT用户软件培训交流会 。Kubit软件系列是应用在AutoCAD平台下的应用程序,Kubit广泛应用于建筑、考古、文保、测绘等多种不同领域。Kubit系列软件主要包括:TachyCAD(通过全站仪实时在CAD中对现场进行测量...[]
  • 在本届展会上,以"转型升级,振兴产业"为主题, 重点展示和交流传统测绘仪器向现代化地理信息装备发展在理论、技术、产品, 以及企业转型和产业升级过程中在工艺、管理、服务等方面取得的成果和经验。展会将进一步改革和创新模式,通过与国际测绘组织联合举办论坛由企业牵头举办专题论坛和技术研讨........ []
  • Industry background and demand overview

    Archaeological surveying measurements are applied to the study of an archaeological archaeological technology, using the measurement method, to explore the burial sites and archaeological exploration area as the main object of measurement, is expressed by a graph of the location of excavation place and geographical environment, science and technology field archaeology archaeological survey is indispensable. To improve the archaeological survey technology is the inevitable trend of scientific development.

  • SCENE software is specifically designed for all Focus and third-party laser scanners. Process and manage scan data efficiently and easily by using real time, on-site registration, automatic object recognition, scan registration, and positioning. Generate high-quality data in full color quickly and conveniently by incorporating images from automated targetless and target-based scan positioning.

  • A new and enhanced precision instrument for CAD users and engineers, Artec Space Spider is a high-resolution 3D scanner based on blue light technology. It is perfect for capturing small objects or intricate details of large industrial objects in high resolution, with steadfast accuracy and brilliant color.
